Go Purple Day May 3 2024


👉Go Purple Day is a joint initiative led by An Garda Síochána and domestic abuse services across Ireland. Together, they aim to raise awareness about supports and services available to people who experience domestic abuse, and to advocate together for a society with zero tolerance of domestic abuse.
Today some member of the team here at Pale Blue Dot®Recruitment Limited showed their support by going purple for the day and made a donation to COPE Galway

Well done to An Garda Síochána and everyone who got involved in this initiative.
#GoPurpleDay2024 #CopeGalway #GetInvolvedToday


Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment to Give It Socks for Cope Galway in May 2024

The team in Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment will be giving it socks this May by committing to 10K steps a day and raising funds for Cope Galway. This is the 1st of several team events planned over the Summer months.


If you would like to sponsor us please visit – > https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/PaleBlueDotRecruitmentFundraiser1

#CopeGalway #GivingItSocks #GetInvolvedToday


Cope Galway Charity Lunch 2024


On Friday afternoon 24 May , Cope Galway are hosting Dr Karen Weekes at the Hardiman Hotel in Eyre Square. Karen is a performance psychologist and endurance adventurer.  In February 2022, she became the first Irish female to row the Atlantic Ocean solo unsupported. On the day Karen will discuss how to make the most of your potential by pushing beyond your boundaries and give invaluable insights on achieving your own, or your team’s optimal potential.

Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment  sponsored a table  for the Beyond Boundaries – Cope Galway Charity Lunch at the Hardiman.

Unfortunately,  the team are not available on the day but frontline members of Cope Galway will be there in our place to enjoy then event!

Further details & tickets visit – >  https://www.copegalway.ie/events/lunch-event/

#CopeGalway #GetInvolvedToday

Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment Sponsors ALONE Calendar

Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment recently sponsored the ALONE 2025 Calendar.

ALONE is a national Charity that work with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties. The Charity provides an integrated system of Support Coordination, Practical Supports, Support & Befriending, a variety of Phone Services, Social Prescribing, Housing with Support, and assistive technology.

Keep your eye out in the Shops and be sure to support ALONE


For more information visit – > https://alone.ie/


Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment renew partnership with the Galway Advertiser for Pathways 2024


Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment will be involved in Pathways this November.

Pathways, is a Colleges and Careers event, organized by The Galway, Mayo and Athlone Advertisers,  and is taking place in The Galmont Hotel, Galway, on Tuesday November 12th  from 9.30 am- 2 pm, in the Galmont Hotel, Galway.

The objective of the event will be to inform students in the West of Ireland on the further education, training and employment options available to them when they leave school.

Following on from a very successful 2023 event where over 1,500 students attended on the day, Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment will be on hand to discuss careers in the Medtech sector with students,  the vital role in Engineering plays now and will continue to do so in the future, and the benefits of working in the Medtech sector.  This event will give an opportunity to Leaving Cert students, who are in the process of making their CAO decisions, fifth year students who are now entering the decision-making stage and transition year students, to meet with and question experts from many areas of industry and to meet with and question experts from many areas of industry and education. It promises to be an event not to be missed.


To get your tickets visit – > HERE