Cope Galway Charity Lunch 2024

On Friday afternoon 24 May , Cope Galway are hosting Dr Karen Weekes at the Hardiman Hotel in Eyre Square. Karen is a performance psychologist and endurance adventurer.  In February 2022, she became the first Irish female to row the Atlantic Ocean solo unsupported. On the day Karen will discuss how to make the most of your potential by pushing beyond your boundaries and give invaluable insights on achieving your own, or your team’s optimal potential.

Pale Blue Dot® Recruitment  sponsored a table  for the Beyond Boundaries – Cope Galway Charity Lunch at the Hardiman.

Unfortunately,  the team are not available on the day but frontline members of Cope Galway will be there in our place to enjoy then event!

Further details & tickets visit – >

#CopeGalway #GetInvolvedToday

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